Friday, June 09, 2006

The Week: A Summary

•Bubba comes down with 103 degree temperature.


•Mama stays home with Bubba because he's sick.
•Bubba goes to otolaryngologist for six-month ear tube check-up. No infections, but one tube's fallen out--we'll wait and see what happens with that. BUT, he does have tonsillitis. Amoxicillin ordered and administered.
•Bubba cranky. Mama stressed.
•Tornado sirens blare and storm blows through. Nothing too major at our house, thankfully, since it barely raised my head from the 20 minute nap I got to take.
•Daddy comes home. Mama lays down.
•Mama wakes up to: "Depressionista! I need your help! Bubba hit his head!"
•Bubba wailing, blood running down his face. Stumbled and fell on his way to bed, hitting his head on the corner of a wall. One-inch gash on forehead.
•Two hours in emergency room with overtired, hurting, cranky toddler and guilty husband.
•While waiting for Bubba's sedative to kick in, Mama runs out to parking lot to have quick smoke and call Nana to see if she can watch Bubba next day. On way back in, steps in 3x3" patch of moisture from steam cleaner and goes down, all 240 pounds, on one knee. Nurses rush over, embarrassingly.
•Sedative doesn't work on Bubba. Must be wrapped in sheet and held down for his six stitches.
•10:45 p.m.: Bubba finally asleep--for awhile.
•11 p.m.: Mama gets her period.

•Thankfully, nothing but the usual grind.

•Close friend calls with shocking and disturbing family news. Don't feel comfortable saying more, poor friend!

•The anniversary of my daughter's birth and death three years ago.

Oh you crappy week, I curse you! Be gone with you now!

Here's to a better weekend for everyone!

1 comment:

Tingle said...

What a sucky, sucky week. Whoever said nothing bad happened on 06/06/06 didn't hear your story!