Thursday, October 26, 2006

Overheard on the bus in a midwestern college town

"So like, we used to live right next to the railroad tracks, right, so one day, my dad was like, looking out the window and saw the headlights of the train coming down the track, right, and like, there was this truck and trailer stuck on the tracks, and like, the trailer was full of, like, cows, and it couldn't get across in time and like, the train just smashed into it, and like, I'm not kidding, like, this truck just got completely, like, torn apart, and there were like, bits and pieces of like 17 cows all over the side of the railroad tracks. Seriously."

I know, I know, this is kind of a strange entry for my first blog post in what, three months or something? But I heard this on the bus and had to share it.

I've been working up to blogging again, so I'll try to come back with something a little more substantial next time.

1 comment:

Tingle said...

Wow! That is rich! What a story - was it a younger person? Only in the state where you live would such an event happen and someone "seriously" tell the story in such a way. I wonder if they kept some of the cow pieces and cooked them.