Thursday, November 09, 2006

An experiment in simplicity

Wow! Two new readers yesterday! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my stuff!

In honor of this recent rush of activity, I'm redoubling my efforts to be a regular blogger, thus--this post.

Lately I have been having a problem with organization, or rather, the lack of it. Despite numerous attempts over the past couple of months to declutter and simplify my life, I just can't get my shit together. I can't tell you how many minutes/hours of the average day I spend looking for something. This morning, I missed the bus because I couldn't find my wallet--which was hiding in the bottom of my backpack. My backpack is like a portable trash can that I carry with me wherever I go. At least 85 percent of it is old receipts, used tissues, and other crap I don't need. Another 10 percent is stuff I think I might need, but really only use it once or twice a year (but who wants to be caught without A&D Ointment when they really need it?) The final 5 percent is the essential stuff--wallet, checkbook, anxiety pills. Stuff that could easily fit into a tiny purse. Why can't I let go of all this stuff??? I feel more secure carrying it, but it's a real burden at the same time.

Hmmm. All of a sudden, I realize that this is a very obvious way that I live out my inner neuroses and emotional baggage in a physical way. You know what? I think it would be a good experiment for me to go to work tomorrow just carrying my wallet, checkbook, pads and tampons (yep, it's that time of the every three months for me). It will be scary, no doubt about it....but maybe freeing? Tomorrow I will post the final pared-down contents of my bag and some updates about how it's going.

1 comment:

marcygee said...

I think it would be a HUGE step if you were able to pare down to a smaller purse. Your handbags make me crazy! I'm always thinking something is going to fall out of there - something important - and it's always gaping open! I think it's really interesting that you feel it's a reflection on your "inner neuroses." Did you ever try the experiment?

I've started carrying a much smaller purse, and therefore had to prioritize about what I would have in it. I left out the "emergency pack" that I always think I might need if stranded on a desert island - bandaids, hair clips, safety pins, antibacterial stuff, pain relievers, tums, a flashlight, etc.

After a couple of months with this pared down version, it's working quite nicely for me, actually. It was a scary move to leave that at home, but I'm carrying on quite well.