Friday, February 29, 2008


Do you ever read someone's blog, see that they are entrenched in a major case of denial about a big life issue that will probably hurt them in the end, and you really want to challenge it by leaving a comment? Do you? Or do you just let them enjoy the denial while it lasts?

I have this question about a blog I just found not long ago (not anyone who has ever commented here, so don't get paranoid!)

Edited to Add: I meant to write this earlier and I forgot. If I am the blogger that you recognize this denial and/or other self-destructive thought patterns in, PLEASE feel free to leave me a real comment on it! Like Charmedgirl, I want to hear it all, no censorship please! Okay. Glad to get that out of the way!


Coggy said...

Yes I do often think this. I find it difficult to know what to do. We blog to be heard, but we don't necessarily get to hear the truth about what we blog.
There is a lot of etiquette involved in blogging, just like real life. Would you call someone on in in real life?
I tend to stop reading the blogs that I can't be truthful on.
This is really lame, but maybe you could comment anonymously. I haven't done this but I guess it's an option if the blog allows it. It's not really the point of it all though is it?

charmedgirl said...

i think i am truthful or i don't comment. one or the other. but my truth, i know, is only MY truth. i usually say what i want to say with something like, "but i'm an asshole so what do i know?" and honestly, I MEAN IT! i don't know anything. their white could be my black in the end.

there are, on the other hand, blogs i just can't read/comment on because our perspective or personality is just so outlandishly different. (which is sometimes interesting but at the same time frustrating, so who needs that?)

Melissa said...

Usually I bite my tongue.... in the spirit of "If you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything"

One time I could not help myself and I did leave a comment.... only to be told to butt out.

So now I am back to biting my tongue... which means I'd probably drop that blog off my list.

Melissa said...

Yes! I usually don't end up saying anything because I feel like it will come across as assvice. But I have been grateful to those who point out another perspective on my blog, so maybe I'm doing those people a disservice? I guess it depends on how well I "know" the blogger; if I haven't commented before, I feel much more reluctant to say anything. Obviously I don't have that problem here, heh heh.

Green said...

I did it. I posted a comment asking someone why they were married to their husband and saying if he'd even done ONE of the things she wrote her husband did I'd have been in a lawyer's office that week.

I felt a little awful after I'd posted it, and kept checking back to see if people were going to yell at me, and nobody did. She is now getting her life in order to divorce him.